What is the 13GEM Online PE Resource?

  • Innovative

    It is a comprehensive, reliable, and affordable Physical Education Curriculum that is designed to be implemented by any person, family, or organization interested in increasing physical activity rates in an educational fashion

  • Extensive

    It will be composed of instructional sections for 200+ skills and concepts for a variety of sports and exercise modalities that students, families, and organizations can implement autonomously; all of which will soon be accompanied by an instructional video for each individual skill and concept (200+ videos total)

  • Accessible

    It is designed for anyone to implement a full Physical Education curriculum by simply using a smartphone, tablet, or computer to meet the recommended amount of daily physical activity for children of 60-90 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity by spending the whole learning session focusing on one activity or implementing several activities in a single session

Explaining the future growth of the Online PE Resource

  • How many videos will the Online PE Resource eventually contain?

    Conservatively, 13GEM plans to create 200+ individual and unique videos. Ambitiously, 1000+...

  • What subject areas and exercise modalities will be covered in the Online PE Resource?

    Exercise modalities covered include Step Aerobics, Tai Chi, Yoga, Body Weight and Resistance Training, and more. Sports will include Flag Football, Soccer, Lacrosse, Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, Floor/Street Hockey, and more

  • How will updated videos be different and better?

    Alpha version videos have several segments combined into a single video link. New videos will be broken up into shorter, more direct videos.

  • When will students have access to new videos?

    Videos will be uploaded as they are created. This will be a "living" document, in that it will grow as you use it; rather than being a single static document crystallized in a certain point in time. This program will be continually updated throughout its existence.

  • How often will new videos be created if there is a goal of 200-1000+ videos?

    13GEM has just reach the point of having access to a consistent filming location. Therefore, new videos will start being added "regularly". All scripts are written, only the filming and editing are necessary.


Founder, Lead Teacher

Coach Jacob

This resource is my Life's mission so it will never be 100% complete. Rather than create a book/DVD that must be updated with newer versions, I decided to make an Online Resource that is always as current and cutting-edge as possible... a Living Document.Visit www.13gem.org/about.html for a brief bio